퀴즈 게임
from question_model import Question
from data import question_data
from quiz_brain import QuizBrain
question_bank = []
for question in question_data :
question_text = question["text"]
question_answer = question["answer"]
new_question = Question(question_text,question_answer)
quiz = QuizBrain(question_bank)
while quiz.still_has_question() :
print("퀴즈를 완료하셨습니다.")
print(f"최종 스코어는 {quiz.score}/{quiz.question_number} 입니다.")
class Question() :
def __init__(self,text,answer):
self.text = text
self.answer = answer
question_data = [
{"text": "A slug's blood is green.", "answer": "True"},
{"text": "The loudest animal is the African Elephant.", "answer": "False"},
{"text": "Approximately one quarter of human bones are in the feet.", "answer": "True"},
{"text": "The total surface area of a human lungs is the size of a football pitch.", "answer": "True"},
{"text": "In West Virginia, USA, if you accidentally hit an animal with your car, you are free to take it home to eat.", "answer": "True"},
{"text": "In London, UK, if you happen to die in the House of Parliament, you are entitled to a state funeral.", "answer": "False"},
{"text": "It is illegal to pee in the Ocean in Portugal.", "answer": "True"},
{"text": "You can lead a cow down stairs but not up stairs.", "answer": "False"},
{"text": "Google was originally called 'Backrub'.", "answer": "True"},
{"text": "Buzz Aldrin's mother's maiden name was 'Moon'.", "answer": "True"},
{"text": "No piece of square dry paper can be folded in half more than 7 times.", "answer": "False"},
{"text": "A few ounces of chocolate can to kill a small dog.", "answer": "True"}
class QuizBrain() :
def __init__(self, q_list):
self.question_number = 0
self.question_list = q_list
self.score = 0
def still_has_question(self):
return self.question_number < len(self.question_list)
def next_question(self):
current_question = self.question_list[self.question_number]
self.question_number += 1
user_answer = input(f"Q.{self.question_number} : {current_question.text} (True/False) > ")
self.check_answer(user_answer, current_question.answer)
def check_answer(self, user_answer, correct_answer):
if user_answer.lower() == correct_answer.lower() :
self.score += 1
else :
print(f"올바른 정답은 {correct_answer}입니다.")
print(f"현재 스코어는 {self.score}/{self.question_number}입니다.")